The world is dead, its corpse a feast for the Dire Gods’ hunger. Exiled from heavens, they claimed
blood right to reign over the mortal plane. And the Divine dared not risk war for man’s salvation.
The day the mortals died, their cries were met with silence. Their ash is now subject to
In the Hallowed Halls, whispers of doom grow louder, proclaiming that it may already be too late.
war is coming. This time, the Forces of the Light must rise and take up arms — or perish.
As the Radiant Armada descends upon the mortal plane, you are chosen as one of their leaders. You
command this holy coalition to victory. You will wield its armies as a divine spear, aimed to pierce
dark heart of Baal-Marduk.
What shall be your command?

Armageddonica is a single-player roguelike RPG that fuses ARPG combat with RTS mechanics.